Opportunities for Licensing
Bio Balance offers a
unique opportunity to partner into a ground-breaking process to create and develop better drugs. Bio Balance is committed
to offering the best value to pharmaceutical or biotech partners for new drug
development. Bio Balance currently has an improved dobutamine for heart failure
and isoproterenol for emergency management (DOB+ and ISO+). Bio Balance is seeking a collaborative
partner to take these potential products to the next level of development.
Other areas of potential development include enhancing drugs that treat
Parkinson's disease, memory loss, asthma, heart failure, or other diseases that
require new or improved drugs.
To contact Bio Balance about Licensing
opportunities -contact:
Richard Lanzara
e-mail: rlanzara@bio-balance.com
Bio Balance Inc.
30 West 86th St.
New York, N.Y. 10024-3600
Tel: (917) 623-2074
Fax: (212) 769-3877
Therapeutic Compositions to Prevent
Specific compositions from the patent USP 6,593,094 titled
"Compositions to enhance the efficacy and safety of bio-pharmaceutical
drugs" are available for licensing to either biotechnology or
pharmaceutical firms or for collaborative development - see this link.
Our technology is at the forefront of cutting edge science,
but just beginning. Although agonist/antagonist combinations have been used
before, we have perfected the science so that we have the best method of
determining the optimal agonist/antagonist ratio. This means better and safer
drugs. Almost one third of all drugs could be
improved by this technology. This
technology is available for licensing or collaborative development (this
technology is transferred to Enhanced Pharmaceuticals see this link for contact
One of
the perils of drug development is the occurrence of desensitization, which is
also called tolerance, fade, tachyphylaxis or down-regulation. Many in the industry believe that by selecting
the proper dosage regime drug-receptor desensitization can be minimized or
prevented. Rightly or wrongly,
they create a tightrope that patients and doctors must walk when utilizing
these types of medications. This
may affect anywhere from 30 to 50 percent of all pharmaceuticals and be a
fertile area for drug development and improvement in the future. Given some of the disturbing reports
that shown upwards of 90,000 cases per year of reported medical errors, the
production of safer drugs should be a top priority in the pharmaceutical
field. Yet why haven't the major
companies done more to produce safer drugs? A partial explanation would be that it is much more
expensive to ensure safer drugs, but an alternative explanation may be that
they lack the technology to understand and correct the problem. Certainly, the
major companies would want the safest product on the market. This would not only make sense from a
medical standpoint, but from a marketing one as well. Safer drugs require that
all of the variables of drug development be evaluated and adjusted for the
greatest number of people using these medications. Surprisingly, the safest drugs may come from using
agonist/antagonist combinations in ways to prevent, diminish or control
drug-receptor desensitization.
This would be analogous to creating designer partial agonists in ways
that have been previously overlooked, but would offer a new technology for
enhancing the safety and efficacy of many pharmaceuticals.
The following list suggests some of the advantages of
agonist/antagonist compositions:
less expensive to
better control of
the therapeutic response.
would enhance
existing pharmaceuticals by enlarging their therapeutic window.
extend patent
protection of large-cap drugs.
compositions can be licensed for applications in specific fields (eg.
cardiovascular, pulmonary, renal, etc.).
potentially quick
acceptance by physicians as a technically superior design of previously
accepted drugs.
much of the
toxicity, carcinogenicity and teratogenic testing has been done because these
are already FDA approved drugs.
trials could be
started rapidly.
molecules do not
need to be designed from scratch.
10. could salvage previously discarded molecules due to
excessive desensitization or fade at the receptor.
11. could be used to determine the optimal mixtures of
chiral molecules.